The Lawfully Armed & Skillfully Trained Woman, LLC exists to support women in their efforts to becoming more confident and established in their firearms use and ownership. It’s important that one feels comfortable in their “own skin” on the range and in the culture of firearms. TLASTW strives to offer this through lessons, connection and authenticity, while pointing ladies in the right direction to learn more about becoming lawfully armed and skillfully trained; because there is a right way to do everything!


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Ladies, “because there’s a right way to do everything” become more confident on the range. This is your time!

The range doesn’t have to be awkward or uncomfortable. Neither does the process of getting your Concealed Carry Permit for Indiana. The main point is that you educate yourself on Indiana laws, prepare for legal carry and train. Gun safety and responsible gun-ownership will be key to being ready. Sign up for some of our courses to find a more confident you, while learning to be a safe gun-owner.

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First Time Shooters

Gun safety and Basic Gun Classes are available

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Find out more about the National Shooting Sport Foundation. Shooting is a sport!